Sunday, February 16, 2014

My First Tat Design

This is the first Tat design I did that found a permanent home in someone's skin. Issie wanted the logo of the "Charmed" TV series so I had to take the basic triquetra design and played with it to come up with something original.

Here we can see that I kinda 'tribalized' the design a bit.

The final skin piece was somehow thicker and more masculine than my original design. The embellishment on the trifoil tips were eliminated as well but I liked the way it came out nonetheless.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012


A little Photmanip I did some time ago. "Listen" is my surreal take on the human tendency to call attention. That butterfly thingie over to the right is actually a flying pair of ears.

Prints available via DEVIANTART and IMAGEKIND

Serpent of the Hammer

"Serpent of the Hammer" is an original art piece I've created  based on a high fantasy novel I'm working on.

Available as Art Print, Photo Print and Canvas Print. Buy this on DEVIANTART and IMAGEKIND !!!